
Week Date Time Data Science Sharing Python
0 3/23 20:00 Intro
1 3/30 20:00 pm - https://chingtien.medium.com/剛好有空-系列文介紹-eb4507da36ca?sk=c18fcbd63404240dd691127a375f30a8


Google Drive 連結

Google Student Developer Club

Week Lean Analytics Data Science Sharing Case Study Python
1 Intro Why Data Science Matters introduction python
2 1, 2 Evolution of a Product Churn, MAU, Retention introduction python
3 3, 4, 5, 6 Measuring Product Health Quick Ratio, DAU/MAU, YoY, Time spent/DAU flow control, looping
4 7, 8 Defining Product Success: Metrics and Goals flow control, looping
5 9, 10 ,11 Retention pandas
6 12, 13 Sustainable Product Growth pandas
7 14, 15 Frameworks for Product Success tableau 簡介
8 16 The Building Blocks of a Data-Informed Company tableau 簡介
9 17 Five Core Skills of a Data Scientist machine learning
10 18, 19 Making Data Science Work machine learning
11 20 Data Science vs Decision Science
ID Login_Timestamp Country Gender Age Device
235 12/30 12-00-01:21 TW F 42 iPhone
243 12/22 11-03-03:33 US M 12 Android